Ron Krebbs D.D.

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About me

Introduction I was born in 1954, I was fully reborn in 1987, after a long struggle of knowing the truth and yet embracing a lie. The lie is that you can claim Christ and yet live as though you don't know Him. In the midst of the struggle came to me a voice, whether audible or internal I do not know and it does not matter, it became the defining moment of my life. The voice stated that in regards to the struggle that "It is just between you and me". Those who were my friends and those whom I offended, will not stand in judgment of me or any of us. Only how we live out our lives in regards to who Jesus Christ is, to us personally will matter in the day of judgment. The voice gave me the courage and the faith to turn fully in His direction and seek repentance for all of the times that my life had denied His reality.