Who Is the Geek of All Mothers?

My blogs

About me

Introduction In the beginning, I was a work-at-home mother telecommuting while keeping my daughter at home; and I used the blog to document my daughter's development and to rant about dealing with my corporate master. I survived two reorganizations before being laid off in 2006. Since then I have been a business owner, been joined by my laid-off husband, and eventually rejoined the workforce in search of regular income. My areas of basic geekness are -- Computers (1983+), all things tech and audio (birth+, per parents), Roleplaying Games (early 1980s+, starting with Basic AD&D), and comics (late 1970s+). I hold advanced geekness in comparative religion, pregunpowder weapons & warfare, and being an evil bastard. I've been on the Internet since 1989 (back when it was just text and invented by Al Gore). I had the good fortune to meet a wonderful he-geek in high school and married him a few years later. Our daughter is doomed to geekness, unless she rebels and becomes a Luddite!