Suzannah B. Troy artist

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation artist, writer, goddess
Location NYC, New York, United States
Introduction Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately! I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz
Interests to stop the community crushing development city wide, art, anything involving creativity and passion!!!!!!!!! I have donated my white bloods cells twice. You can only donate white blood cells 12 times in your life. I have helped many of my neighbors, my community and I even got "no honking signs" on 12th and 4th Avenue and by The New School mega dorm. During the big black out I bought a flash light for 17 dollars and escorted my neighbors even carrying some of their bags and held the flashlight to they could find the key hole to open their door including the 12th floor-the top. Also very proud to have helped fight eviction of Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen and Filomena Silvestri died at 94 her business was not thrown out on to the street - we won an extension. I am really happy that I wrote the parks dept. and was able to get bathroom doors in the women's bathroom at Tompkin Square Park which were taken down because of problems that you can easily figure out so I asked for smaller doors but doors! I also got soap but not the tamper free dispensers I have been asking for. Speaking up at the City Council task force meeting on DOB and rocking the house for the safety first was another awesome feeling. I really need people to volunteer to help me and there are people who are very tuned in to what is happening and are supporting me. Thank you! Thanks to the people who have stepped up and have helped me.
Favorite Movies This is my mac website that also have my fiction and poems like 2 on Tompkins Square Park--right now the fictional tales or excerpts are a love letter to the East Village, NYC and in some ways a response to 9-11. Many address the community crushing development and loss in some way or another. Please support this society and become a member. Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation 212/475-9585 232 East 11th Street New York, NY 10003 To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, go to
Favorite Music Can you help? visit their site and read about their battle...They need help! Same with Whole Earth Bakery and KitchenTo help Washington Square Park please visit these sites: thanks!!!
Favorite Books I have many passionate letters published on diverse topics. My first letter published in The New York Times "Struggle Over Murals of Pain" and the letter in The Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero" are among my most passionate. The Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero", April 27, 2005, talked about our rescue workers, FDNY, NYPD, PAPD and EMS heroically sacrificed their lives in the line of duty 9-11 and they should be honored at the WTC site on the memorial. Please be aware that even now the mayor still refuses to give rescue workers the simple honor due of their rank on the final memorial and together and they have been made invisible all these years at the WTC site to millions of visitors. This was the largest loss of rescue workers in our Nation's history. Our fire houses have been closed. Read the letter April 27, 2005 because it is far more intense and complex and even today as an artist what I state about betrayal is so true. Also read my letter in The New York Times "A City Budget, and Cries of Pain" April 17, 2003 to read my writing on this. Ironic for too many reasons... I met Norman Siegel standing next to him at the rally for Engine 212, the people's firehouse. The first letter I had published in The Financial Times is also very important because what I wrote then is still true about women and economic power and our basic human rights....very tired so just added some thoughts. Do you love New York? Favorite activist lawyers: Norman Siegel, David Rankin and after reading Kunstler biography I would want Kuby on my side. to read my rants go to: www.myspace.suzannahbtroyartistcom