Aunt Marnie

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Worshipper
Location Dancingville, Alabama, United States
Introduction Hello. I am totally captivated by Jesus. Every day he shows me something new to appreciate. I am a prayer warrior. I am a new creation. I love books. I really like it when people give me books. I like cute houses. Little ones. I enjoy taking pictures, though I wish I had people to take pictures of. I must resort to myself at times. I tend to go on and on. That is bad. Okay, I'm done.
Favorite Movies The Nightmare Before Christmas, Rear Window, The Birds, The Shop Around The Corner, Breakfast At Tiffany's, Star Wars(1-6), Bella, Edward Scissor hands, Vincent, Frankenweenie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(both versions), Sleepy Hollow, Alice in Wonderland
Favorite Music Kelanie Gloeckler, Misty Edwards, Over The Rhine, Eisley, Mutemath, Brighten, I am Terrified, Suzy Wills Yaraei, more than I can keep count of.
Favorite Books That isn't even funny.

Your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. How will you maintain your secret identity?

To maintain the unreal fact that I have an obsession with dandelion-scented lotion?