David C Michels

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About me

Gender Male
Location Errington, British Columbia, Canada
Interests Painting, Web Design, Homesteading, Ass Kickin', Name Takin'
Favorite Movies Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, The King of Kong, Man on Wire, Happiness, Bill Murray, The Sweet Hereafter, Last Night, Eternal Sunshine, Being John Malkovich, Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, Annie Hall
Favorite Music Elliott Smith, Jeff Buckley, The Pretenders, The Pixies, Frank Black, Arianne Moffat, Mother Mother, Regina Spektor, Arctic Monkeys, Danzig, Erasure, Cowboy Junkies, Sharon Lois and Bram, Belle and Sebastian, Ice Cube, Leonard Cohen, Smashing Pumpkins, (Just Kidding About Belle and Sebastian), Frank Tovey, Lou Reed, Tori Amos, Cowboy Junkies, Carla Bruni
Favorite Books Infinite Jest, Sexus, Plexus, Nexus, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, The Road, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, White Noise, Salt: A World History, The Joy of Home Winemaking, The River Cottage Cookbook, Country Wisdom and Know-How, Woody Allen, Margaret Atwood, Brady T. Brady, Ada Limon, Jack London, Zadie Smith, D.B. Pierre, John Berger, Garrison Keillor, Andre Dubus, Kurt Vonnegut, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, FUP

The hair from your last haircut ... what would it say about your new style?

I think that the hair from my last haircut is probably too busy lying on the ground screaming to say much of anything.