
About me

Location Central Victoria, Australia
Introduction I wonder how different the world would be if organisations were built around helping & enabling individuals. You see, I think that organisations, in general terms, don’t really work. Sure they combine people & give them structure but the energy comes, not from the organisation, but from individuals. Not just any individuals, but individuals who are passionate, adaptable, flexible & given the freedom to try things. In my world organisations have two roles; 1) to bring passionate people together to share ideas, 2) to help & support passionate people through the provision of resources & materials. This is my antidote to a world where we allow organisations & institutions to complicate our true goals & visions. A world where consulting organisations & management gurus tell us what we should be doing & at that same manage to lose sight of people, homogenise our ideas & remove any sign of difference & advantage. It is about celebrating simplicity, lamenting complexity & placing people at the very centre of what we do. It is about us understanding that organisations exist to serve people & that is all. My views not my employers or groups I'm affiliated with.