Our Tea Party Tea Lady

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Owner of Our Tea Party Tea and co-owner of Tea Room in the Valley in VP MO
Location Kirkwood, MO, United States
Introduction So much to do, so little time. Ever evolving, ever changing, loyal, steadfast, concerned. I listen to and watch Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and listen to Mark Levin daily. I also like to catch Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Brit Hume, Bret Bair, Ann Coulter, Stuart Varney, Judge Napolitano, Chris Wallace, and other Conservative talk shows. I work a lot, bake a lot, enjoy watching movies with my husband and Saki my little girl with four paws (shhhh! she thinks she's a person). I have a brother, sister, my mom is with my sis and I every day at our Tea Room www.tearoominthevalley.com since 2005. My dad is in heaven fishing. I have two beautiful nieces that I love dearly. I am blessed with many conservative, independent, libertarian and liberal friends. Have operated my mail order business www.beyondtherainbow2oz.com since October 1st, 1985. And interestingly, on October 1st, 2010, I am launching my own private label tea www.ourteapartytea.com a retail and wholesale business. And I am probably the busiest poor person on the planet, but I believe in free enterprise and keep trying.
Interests My country, my family, my friends, my businesses. That keeps me pretty busy.
Favorite Movies Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Fried Green Tomatoes, Driving Miss Daisy.
Favorite Music Musicals and Classical.
Favorite Books Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Looking forward to Mr. Berendt's next book set in Louisiana.

When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?
