Jodie Anderson

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location San Antonio, TX, United States
Introduction I am a small town Midwestern girl living in the big city suburbs of South Texas. I have been gardening in the SA burbs for the last few years. When I was a child, my family had large garden for several years that we shared with my Grandparents and my Uncle’s family. I always had fond memories of the time I spent working in the garden and decided as soon as I had a place of my own, I would have an area for growing a few herbs and veggies. My husband and I finally purchased our own home, but we do not have a large yard. I decided to do my best to make the most of what we have. I found it necessary to be pretty creative using many inexpensive and found items to make a large part of our backyard into a garden. A good friend who is a blogger encouraged me to blog about my experience. My hope is that I can help others who are interested in gardening, but have very little space and money. Thank you for your interest in my journey!
Interests Gardening, Cooking, Photography, Music, Art