Alexander Pain

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Publishing
Occupation Writer
Location Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Introduction My name is Alexander Pain. I'm a historian of sorts. I chronicle the future yet to come. It's a future filled with shuffling hordes of zombies. These fearsome--yet pitiful--creatures have but one mission: destroy and consume humanity. In their quest to destroy us and snuff out the spark that makes us special, the Zombies also unite us. They force the living to set aside long held differences and work together to survive. When the zombies come to cities, we can't be Black, White, Asian, Indian or Hispanic. The best we can hope to be is alive today, tomorrow, and for some of the next week.
Interests Writing, Zombies, Dystopian Fiction, Science Fiction, Firearms, Knives, Axes, Prepping, Survival, The Walking Dead
Favorite Movies World War Z, I am Legend
Favorite Books Zombie Complex, Dog Walk of the Apocalypse