Bush Radio 89.5fm Newsroom

My blogs

About me

Industry Communications or Media
Location Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Introduction Life in a newsroom is always a frenzied one. The newsroom at Bush Radio, in Cape Town, SA, is no exception. The newsteam is constantly governed by time and driven by deadlines. As a community organisation, Bush Radio exists to serve the community. Therefore, the newsteam’s most valued source of information is the woman/man on the street. At least 80 percent of each news bulletin is made up of local news. Probably one of the biggest differences between commercial media and community media is that the former will source the story from the top down, while the latter will tackle the same story at grassroots level. A constant question is: "How does this story affect the community?" Nadia Samie (Trainee News Editor) We value your input. Want to comment? Drop us an email to news@bushradio.co.za or to find out more, log onto www.bushradio.co.za.
Interests News, current affairs, investigative journalism, reporting, radio, media
Favorite Movies http://bp0.blogger.com/_TH-zYeWYyLI/RtPu7bCuFCI/AAAAAAAAAsE/FSvYVbMTfU0/s1600-h/2007_2008_grouppic.jpg
Favorite Music <p align="left"><a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/185/1682/1600/logo%20running%20man.gif"><img style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: left" alt="" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/185/1682/200/logo%20running%20man.png" border="0" /></a></p>