
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Education
Occupation Teacher
Location Ontario, Canada
Introduction I'm a high school chemistry teacher. I have a strange sense of humour & I fancy myself to be quite witty. I love shoes, horror movies, MST3K, Monty Python, musical theatre & I have the uncanny ability to hone in on the most expensive item in any store. I have been sewing since I was 17 years old.
Interests sewing (garments, home decor and the odd quilt), gardening, cooking, horror movies, ancient societies (greek, roman, incan, mayan, asian, turkish)
Favorite Movies Night of the Living Dead (the original Romero version), Princess Bride, The Holy Grail, the Blade series, the X-Men series, the Alien series, the Lord of the Ring series, Moulin Rouge, West Side Story
Favorite Music almost anything other than country and death metal
Favorite Books Watchers (and most anything else by Dean Koontz), the Necroscope series (Brian Lumley), historical and biographical books