
My blogs

About me

Location Malaysia
Introduction "✎ I'm Designer #2" ヾ(^エ^。 Aimer et être aimé en retour est comme un soleil brillant sur vous des deux côtés" Ⓣⓦⓔⓝⓣⓨ Ⓣⓦⓞ "Back in Malaysia, there is no avoiding getting fat, the food's just too good!" (╥﹏╥) "I cook and I clean, do you?" ╭∩╮(◠‿◠) "What is out there in this world? Adventures, experiences and knowledge, of course!" ⊙.☉ ~ "I sing, you must too? right?" ಠ_ಠ "Jazz, ballads and the Ukelele! and a holiday in Boracay" (◡‿◡✿) "It's great being a nerd, as I'm statistically likely to know more than you, theoretically! and I can fix a great many things" (■.■) "I do drugs! Oh yes I do. I make them, I test them, I invent them drugs" ͼ(ݓ_ݓ)ͽ "Care for Mother Nature" ◕ ‿ ◕ "Nothing can justify acting like that big bad baddie (⊙▂⊙)" "Take it easy, its just satire" (¬‿¬) "Words are mightier than the o==[]::::::> But the mind is the ♕ mightiest of them all" ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ "Hone your mind, and you are on your right path" (x(x_(X_x(∪ ◡ ∪)x_x)X)x) "You save 2 birds by keeping that stone" ☮