Dahlia Delis

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation fetish bondage model,make-up artist,full time slave
Location Los Angeles, CA, United States
Links Wishlist
Introduction i work as a fetish pin-up and bondage model i love my job! and i love traveling to new cities to work i be in New York for the holidays and in january to shoot with some great bondage producers,so i am beyong exited about that if you are in New York and wanna create some images hit me up and of course comments and suggestions about my work are always welcome dont be shy!!!
Interests everything that ia related to burlesque, fetish, bondage, pin-up art and vintage movies and photographs vintage and victorian art 1940's fashion and, music and art in general. and lately iam completely obsess with forensics, and criminology, i might just get in a job in a morgue any minute.
Favorite Movies Magnolia, Dracula, Mulholland Drive, The Exorcist, The Shining, Eyes wide shout, Donnie Darko, moulin rouge, midnight cowboy, the godfather, taxi driver, apocalipsy now, scarface, belle du jour, fanny and alexander, a street car named desire, the black dahlia, body double, naked lunch, American Psycho, all Tarantino, all David Lynch, any movie with Bogart and Bacall. all Wes Craven's movies. fight club, seven, Dario Argento's movies. The Exorcist, Deep Red, Angel Heart, Taxi Driver, Crash, 21 Grams, Casino, Nosferatu, Reservoid Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Blue Velvet, Wild of Heart, Little Miss Sunshine Pan's Labyrinth, Moulin Rouge, Chicago, Edward Sissord Hands, Nightmare Before Christmas, Near Dark, Fight Club, Seven
Favorite Music Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Courtney Love, Tori Amos, Smashing Pumpkins, Jonny Cash, Marilyn Manson, The Cure, Elvis, Billie Holyday, Glen Miller, anything from the 1920's to 40's big band, swing, blue grass
Favorite Books Valley of The Dolls, Dracula, Junkie, Naked Lunch, Invisible Monsters, Chocke, all Edgar Allan Poe, Prozac Nation, anything by Anais Nin, Marquis de Sade, Chuck Pallaniuk and William Burroughs

Aren't papier mache cuts the worst?

oh my god i cant believe that i gto this question,it might be dumb and stupid for some people but i do have a mayor wet paper phobia,i wont ever make anything out of paper mache or get near to it if is not solid,really freaky