Sally McCarthy

My blogs

About me

Introduction There it was my worst nightmare! My new timetable. Level 3 Thursday afternoon 2 hours computers and I was the teacher! How could this happen! There must be some mistake, surely I had made it clear my computer skills were less than adequate and learnt only through trial and error. I had missed the computer age by minutes it seemed and can still remember my amazement at receiving my first fax! I was absolutely terrified! Admitting my ignorance I screamed for help, please take the computers away I begged only to be told ‘Don’t be ridiculous. Teach them to blog, it’s so simple anyone can do it.’ I looked at her in disbelief. But I‘ve only just learnt to cut and paste. Don’t worry I’ll show you during lunch time she calmly said. I has emailed, surfed the net and Goggled, I had even worked my way around EBay but I had never heard of a blog before. So what is a blog? I whispered. And so began a fabulous journey during which I learnt to blog and was amazed by possibilities in the classroom I had never imagined before.