Quality Alchemist

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Occupation Teaching Fellow
Location Hong Kong
Introduction 作者筆名劍如虹,畢業於香港城市大學及香港理工大學,學術範圍包括應用科學,應用物理,電腦,化學及環境工程等,以業餘時間攻讀完工程管理博士學位。由於喜歡武俠故事式電腦遊戲,才引發奇想,把品質管理理論用武俠小說方式表達。作者是前任香港品質學會會長,曾多次於專業學會主辦的國際會議和學術期刊發表論文及研究報告。 Dr. Lotto Lai has 20 year hands-on experience in scientific research, quality assurance and management in Commercial Laboratory, University Testing Centre, Certification Body and Consultants Firm. He is Former Chairman & Fellow in HKSQ, MHKIE, FASQ, CMQOE and IRCA QMS Principal Auditor, as well as, Academician in IAQ.
Interests Reading, Seminar, Visit and Blog writing.