
About me

Gender Female
Location Ames, IA, United States
Introduction All that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes. ~ Lord Byron.
Interests Poetry., English Literature., Urdu., Travel (when I can)., Britcoms., Walking., Watching Telly.
Favorite Movies Brideshead Revisited., Edwin., Ghost World., Pulp Fiction., Elling., Pan's Labyrinth. I watch a lot of britcoms and adaptations of the books I love.
Favorite Books ANY P.G. WODEHOUSE - The world of readers is divided in two... those who love Wodehouse and those who haven't read him. BRIDESHEAD REVISITED - Agony and ecstasy... the happiest and angriest I have ever felt. REBECCA - for the pure joy of DuMaurier's style of writing and for Manderley. Almost any novel (c. 1700-1910): Escapism into a world so much simpler than the one I live in now.