
About me

Introduction If you are Muslim, you probably know that dating just doesn't exist in Islam. However, there are avenues to get to know someone of the opposite gender with the intention of getting married. This is what I call "Muslim Dating." The only problem is that we grow up being taught to stay away from the opposite gender completely. Then all of a sudden when we are expected to be comfortable talking to the opposite gender so that we can be married off when we reach a certain age. Without any practice prior to that point, a lot of awkward e-mails, phone calls, or in-person meetings happen instead of finding the right person. This blog was created in hopes to fill a void in the Muslim community to discuss such things and maybe even offering advice in how to go about the process. Please note that I am NOT a Sheikh/a, but posts are written in attempts to keep within Islamic boundaries the best way I know how. I hope that you enjoy the posts, comment, and share with others!