The Orphanage (intl) w/Mister Zip + Jason Flashman PRR

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Writer/Musician/Producer/SocioPolitico SickoSexual Satirists/Foolio
Location Frisco, The Golden
Links Audio Clip
Introduction I won't sing for my supper but I will eat your pie: go to: or go to GOOGLE and tap in : The Orphanage (intl) then click in the 1st(?) link (myspace music) for a basic look see. Tho, one wouldn't think that it encompasses the totality of ones life and/or ones dreams; What? not this human bean. Dig?
Interests Laughing, obtaining aneurysms by laughing, The arts. socio/politico sicko/sexual satire), the creating, producing, and mixing together of music, and, writing, my show, other DJ's shows, either, live, by stream, or Podcast, on PIRATE CAT RADIO, 87.9, Frisco, Hell-A, Berlin, The separation of church and state, Epicurean delights, not excluding, Punker chicks, art chiks, suicide girls, X-strippers that are now intelectual, and (ALL) their (your) Mom.
Favorite Movies The One in My Head, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Chicken Hawk, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Tracy+Bergman), The Lion In Winter, Syriana, Unforgiven, Wings of Desire, Eu Tu Eles, Two Women (or any other DeSica), Let It Be, A Face in the Crowd, The Fugitive kind, Indian Runner, The Third man, Y Tu Mama Tambein, Touch of Evil, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, 7 Days in May, Seven, Tracks, Zelig, Before Night Falls, The 7 Samurai (ok ANY Kurosawa), La Dolce Vita (ok ANY Fellini), ONE EYED JACKS, Down By Law, Dead Man, The Vamp, Duck Soup, Never give a Sucker an Even Break, the 1st King Kong, Happiness, Magnolia, ROOFTOPS, The Slaughter Rule, Royal Tannenbaum's, Il Postino, The Kid, Bob LeFlambur, Millers Crossing, The Rape scene from "Prince of Tides", LaStrada, The Dogfather 1-2, Don't Look Back, A Clockwork Orange, Redux, Germinal, Blue Velvet (the greatest love story of ALL time), The Sin of Harold Diddlebock, Vanishing Point, Barry Lyndon, Rude Boy, Whitnail and I, Breaker Morant, The Hill, Unforgivin, Dune, Goldfinger, Ripley's Game + the original it was lifted from; Wim Wenders : The American Friend, The Professional, Belle Epoch, The Cincinnati Kid, Cool Hand Luke, Cinema Paridiso, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Fear and Loathing, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Rushmore, Garden State, Ed Wood, Big Dada! The true story of Adi Emin, Paths of Glory, the other Jeff Lebowski, To Have + Have Not, It's A Gift, Dead End, Stardust Memories, Lost in Translation, The Bicycle Thief, Hannah and Her Sisters, The Crying Game, Jennifer Connelly's Lower Intestine (or any orifice of hers), Five Easy Pieces, Irma LeDouche, Thunderball, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Freaks, Ali, 13 Days, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The Little Fugitive, Crimes + Misdemeanors, Sexy Beast, Chopper, The Misfits, Wild Strawberries, Pat Garrett + Billy the Kid, Point Blank, The Story of GI Joe, On Any Sunday(1), Crumb, Putney Swope, Shaft, One Two Three, Reds, Hey man, Just ask me...
Favorite Music Mine and real Punk Rock, IE, anything that I say is, ERGO, most music from underground, Bohemian, scenes, post revolutionary France till now, EARLY Punk Rock, EARLY psychedelic, Garage, EARLY be-bop, Baroque, Opera, Hobo-blues, Hop-head Jazz, all that is BAD-ASS, Anthology 3's demo cuts from The White Album, THE Sex Pistols, Paliachi, Portishead, Pogues, Charles Parker, Jelly Roll Morton, Electric Ladyland, Whipped Cream + Other Delights, Edith Piaf, Lenny Cohen, The Blood Poets, T-Rex, Roxy Music, Early Who, The Modern Lovers, Me, early Blondie, The VU, early Bowie, Elliot Smith, Early Ramones, early Clash, early Weezer, the Dandys, the Senders, Traffic, the Stains, Shrapnel(early Monster Magnet), Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Jimmy Rodgers, Fede Mendez, Dezo Cadena, The Damned, Weller, PIL, The Buzzcox, The Union St. Bullies, X, Los Plugz, UXA, DKSF, Killing Joke, the Soul Rebels, Fast Floyd a/the Fabulous Firebirds, Pirates O Venus, Pygmy Love Circus, Thelonious Monster, Losin' Streaks, Cadillac Tramps, Vica' Wiggans, The Monkey Girl, Lone Justice, Maria the Born Again, Patsy the Whore, Janis the Junkie, Billy the Holliday, Carla the Bozulich, H. Mancini, Mississippi Zip + Delta Raunch, Miles, The Train, The Diz, The Monk, The JB, Hank Sr, Louie Armstrong, Ellington, Huddie Ledbetter, Wolfgang, Robert Zimmerman, Serge Gainsborough, Franz Schubert Tim Hardin, Waits, Don Van Vleat (Beefheart), Zappa (Frank or Moon), Davey Kalish, Steve the Hippie, The Sheiks of Shake, the Knights of the Living Dead, Earl Wison, Jackie Wilson, Pet Sounds, In Utero, Teenage Kicks, Live at Leeds, Hey Bulldog, Fuckin' in the Bushes, War, The Wolf, Otis, Booker T + the MG's including MOST on STAX, The Rev. Al Green, Sly + the Family, James Osterberg, Lil' Richard Pettiman, Dead Hooker, Hoagy Carmichael, The Faces, The Stones w/out Jagger, Brian Jones and the Massacre, Leon Russel, The Bad Little Bitch, The Pixies, Charles Black solo, Look, hey man, just ask and
Favorite Books Mine, The Aubrey/Mautrin canon, Ham on Rye, THE FLASHMAN CHRONICALS (all), Twain, Old Gringo, Gardners "Grendal", Ask the Dust, The Man o/t Century, Little Big Man and the return of... Look, how about "authors"? Oscar Wilde, Chuck Dickens, Reynaldo Arenas, Studs Terkel, Patrick O'Brian, Ana Rossetti, Frank McCourt, Antonio Carvajal, Hemingway, Guillermo Carnero, Richard Stark, Gibran, Joe Campbell, Anonymous, Tolkien, De Sade, Lennon + Marx (John, Groucho) Bill Shakespeare, Pablo Neruda, Mosley, Einstein, Dorthy Parker, Brenden Behan, Hank Bukowski, little Johnny Fante, Ellroy, GG Marquez, Burroughs, Me, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Lewis Carrol, Cassidy, Kerouc-e, Carlos Fuentes, Castaneda, A. Rice(some), Scott Fitzgerald, Fede Garcia Lorca, De Bergerac, Flannery O'Con, Chomsky, Brautigan, Hesse, Steinbeck, Twain, again, just ask man..

If I turned right instead of left just once in my life, would I be here right now?