Amy W.
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- .
- ....My Journey with the Lapband....
- ...HotDogs N HamBurgers...
- ...Under Construction...
- <a href="">Band on the Run</a>
- [.Color Me Brand New.]
- A Band New Me
- A Fat Wife's Journey to Fabulous
- A Journey to Embrace
- A Mother's Life with a Lap Band..
- A New Me
- A Serendipitous Life
- A Southern Girls Journey
- a winning loser
- Adventures in Band Land
- Am I actually doing this? Heather's Banded Journey
- Antithesis of Barbie
- Band Geek
- Band me Baby!
- Band Me...I'm Ready
- band new
- Band of Outrageous Babes
- Band Sweet Band
- Band Sweet Band
- Band-Babe
- Banded for Life
- Banded for Life...
- Banded For Life...
- Banded Girl
- Banded Mommy
- Bandster to Sleevy McDreamy
- Barefoot Jen's Journey from FAT to Super Fabulous
- Bee-you-tee and The Band
- Beer, Dogs, and Getting Healthier...
- Being a Winner by Being a Loser
- Beth Ann's Never-Ending Quest for Something
- Better Banded
- Big Daddy
- Biggs Gets Skinny
- Bits and Pieces
- blossom banded
- Booish - Rocking the Lap Band
- Breaking Free From My Self-Imposed Exile
- Can't wait to lose it!
- Candid Bandit
- catchy title here
- Changes
- Changing DeeDee
- Changing ME! For the Better!
- check out my wordpress blog:
- Cheeseburger Girl
- Cheeseburger Girl ~EATS~
- Chronicles from Band Land
- Cindylew Who???
- Collapse of the Pizza Loving Empire
- Complete 180° with a Lap-Band
- Confessions of a Band Goddess
- Cookies, Cakes and Shakes
- cr8tve1
- Diary of a (nearly) Content Woman
- Diary of a not so skinny girl
- Dinnerland- Where the food war is over.
- Distracted By Diets
- Does this donut make my butt look big?
- Don't Look Back
- Dream a little dream of me
- Electric LadyBand
- Embracing a New Path
- Everything is cool as long as I'm getting thinner
- Fasten your Seat belts, its gonna be a bumpy ride!
- Fat Bastard Banded
- Fat Chick B Gone
- Fat Girl on the Outside
- fatgirlslim
- Fatscapades of a Redheaded Chick
- Finding My Way
- finding my way home.
- Fit For Life!
- Fitness Bandit
- Food Junkie to Fabulous!
- free2bme-susieq4givn
- Gail's Journey
- Getting Back to Skinny Mini
- Gidget's Gadget
- Girl Meets Band
- girl...banded
- Good-Bye Fatty McButterpants
- grits, greens and everything in between
- Hawaii Bound Bandster
- Hello world,it's me...I'm back!
- Henna Rose
- i am in repair... Angie's Banding Blog
- I Am Sweet Pea
- I got a feeling!
- I think I'm losing it!
- I'm ready to become the woman I want to be for the Rest of my Life
- I'm with the band
- I'm with the Band
- I'm with the band...
- Improving Life
- It IS all about ME!
- It must be a fat mirror...
- It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.
- Jen is gonna lose it!
- Jen's Lap Band Journey
- Jo's lap band weight loss journey
- Journey Beyond Survival
- Journey to a new life.
- Jump back do it again
- Just Foolin Blog Designs
- Just Me and My Band
- Kari's Weight Loss Journey
- Katie J Is On Her Way
- Katie's Band Life!
- Kelly and the BANDit
- Kristen's Lapband Journey
- Land of the Lost
- Lap Band Gal!
- Lap Band Living
- Last Train Out of Fat Land
- Laughing on the Outside Too
- Life after Lapband, the slip, the removal and the future
- Life after major Life changes
- Life is the Bubbles
- Life of Leslee
- Life of Lively
- Life's Little Journey
- Life, Weightloss with Realize, and the Pursuit of Squirrels
- Linda's Bandwidth
- Livin' Off Love
- Lookin' for Less
- Loosing In 2009
- Losing It - Baby Aftermath
- Losing It!
- Losing My Waist and Regaining My Mind
- Losing the Fluff
- Losing Weight, Gaining Tons
- love, life, happiness...
- loving lucy lapband
- Loving My Complicated Life
- Make your Mark.
- Me And My Gizmo ~ Let The Journey Begin!
- Megan's Melting
- Metamorphic Journey - Weight Loss Blog
- Mind Jen's Band
- Mine &amp; Betty’s LapBand Journey!
- Miss Piggy Chronicles
- Missing ...skinny girl, leather pants and see through top.....
- Mountain Laurel
- My B-S Journey
- My Bandita
- My Bandster Journey:
- My Big Fat Life Blog
- My Body, My Band, My Rant...
- my life
- My Life as a Bander
- My New Life
- My Pursuit of Skinnyness
- My so-called lapband life
- My so-called lapband life
- My Trek Downward
- Newtles &amp; Wingdings
- Not Just Celery
- Not Your Average Gal
- Ohhhh... Did I Eat That?
- On my weigh to happiness....
- On the Run
- Once Upon A Time...In the Land of Cheese and Sunkist
- One Foodie's Band, Bypass, and Baby Quest
- One Sassy Monkey
- Petals and Pedals
- Pizza, Cakes, Pies...Oh My!
- Pookie's Random Ramblings
- PostScript Confessions
- Pretty Random Thoughts
- Primal Girl in a Carb World
- Ramblings from the Other Side...
- Ramblings of a Hungry Bride
- Re-doing myself in Royal Oak
- Rescuing Lisa
- Road to Descent
- Rockin with the Band
- Rocking the Band!
- S.O.B. Stories
- Sally&#39;s Journey with Lapband &amp; Gastric Bypass Surgery
- sandrinebis
- Seaside and Lollipops
- Shrinking Mommy
- Shrinking Violet
- Shrinking Violet
- Singing with my Band
- Sisters Banded Together
- Skinny Don't Fix Ugly
- Skinny Tastes Better
- Sleeved Wonder
- SlimColaGirl Recipes
- Something About Kellie
- something something something Fat Chick
- Stealing Skinny
- Stressed spelled backwards is desserts... ?!
- Taking it down
- Tales from the Band
- That Magazine Girl
- That's How I Roll...
- The 11CC Circuit
- The Band Saga
- The Blubber Blog
- The Cozy Coconut
- The Dash!
- The Eternal Optimist
- The Fat Theory
- The forever diet
- The Fullmer's
- The Hungry Girl's Diary
- The Incredible Shrinking Woman
- The life of my LapBand Diva.....
- The Life of the Band
- The Next Biggest Loser
- The Poky Little Cupcake
- The Rambling Blog Of Fatty McFatPants
- The Road to a Thin Me
- The Second Half of My Life
- The secret diaries of
- The Self Examination of a Butterfly
- The wait to be banded, adventures of chubby soph
- The Weight Loss Rollercoaster
- the wonderful adventures of Julie and Sammy
- This Chunky Chick
- this life of mine
- This Time I Mean It
- This Work in Progress... is Goin' Places
- Time for a smaller, healthier me!
- Time to downsize
- TLCfor4
- Trials of the Gummi Worm Bandit: Journey into Accountability and Progression
- Tripletmomma...
- True Life: I've Been Banded.
- Two Sticks or a Lighter
- What I weighed in high school....
- What you Lookin at Skinny??
- Work in Progress!!!
- You just met a girl named Maria...
- Your goals, minus your doubs, equal your reality...
- ~~
Gender | Female |
Industry | Non-Profit |
Occupation | Corp Trainer |
Location | Pensacola, Florida, United States |
Introduction | I am a chronic make-believer. I amuse myself. I break out in random song at least 6 times an hour. I am me. I was banded on 1/27/2009. I look better tan. I am a mermaid. I believe you should give more than you take, laugh more than you cry, and eat cheetos when the urge arises. I have always been a dreamer. Life is unpredictable and I realize everyday how lucky I am. I think you should walk with your head up, shoulders back, look people in the eye, smile, have a good handshake, and be honest. I love cold sheets, colder air conditioning, swimming, my family, my animals, and my friends. |
Favorite Music | Oh, country for the most part. |
When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown?
No, I always pretend that I am a mermaid. But it's not really pretending...because I am.