Aliyea Arwa Hanina

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Kedah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Introduction i,m farhatun amaliyyah ab murad 20 years old ..still stdying :) hoo i,m simple person which is alwez wanna make my frens happy .. i can be a gud listener if sumone wanna borrow my ear to sharing their probs :)
Favorite Movies hmmm nk cite pon mgkin bnyk tp mmg ade lah ..films tuh mst lah jnis lah lawak, y jln citenye btul2 ade mkne dan lain2 lg..pndek cite y bole bg aku teruja nk tgk :)
Favorite Music haaa feveret lagu aku of cos lah korean songs kot.. i, m fanatic korean songs. then lagu omputih n bru lagu melayu :) hehhee
Favorite Books like novel Alaf 21, majalah dara sbb bnyk fesyen2 cara tudung y bole kite pki . & ade info2 menarik ^_^