C Goodman

My blogs

About me

Introduction 607north is all about you...the reader. As a journalist for a national news company, I wanted a place on the web where users could find out information, the news of the day, listen to music and laugh at some of the strange videos floating around on the net. I also wanted a place where I could express my opinion from time to time. There's always plenty of stories about celebs, music artists, scandals, controversies, and off-the-wall items that you won't find anywhere else. Come here once and I know you'll be back. It's updated 24/7 and all the information is raw. Be sure and check out my latest music playlist, usually located in the far right column. There are other playlists scattered throughout the page for different musical tastes. Turn it on and listen at work or home. There's usually a variety for all musical tastes. Enjoy!