The Green Witch

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Small Business Owner
Location Las Cruces, New Mexico, United States
Introduction Hello, my name is Heather. As a self created practical witch with 25+ years of solitary practice, I realized that many witches don't know where to start, or how to create a practice to follow. They tend to just dive in and feel restricted by normalized structure, feeling as though they must be one way over the next in order to practice authentically. Breaking free from the idea that personal practice needs to follow one path or another, I challenge new members to think for themselves and open themselves up to the various possibilities of self creation through the various historical practices, written text, and various diverse practices provided by our members in the GWC. You don't have to practice by the book if by the book doesn't fit your lifestyle. Be the who you are, and create a practice that works for you even if a book doesn't define what that is, or how that should be~
Interests Herbs, Gardening, Art, Witchery, Crafting, Herbal Medicine, Books
Favorite Books The Crooked Path, Natural Witchery