Marianne Pysh
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Kathiey's World
- Dawn Kairns and Maggie the Dog
- Blog Address
- "from sophie's view"
- "Isabelle Thornton" Le Chateau des Fleurs
- "Life as a Cajun Bombshell"
- "Through the eyes of Tweedles"
- "You had me at arf."
- 'O Lordy' It's A Dog's Life
- *Walk with me on this journey called life*
- . . . Just a Thought ♥
- ...
- ...The Playful Pooch...
- 1000 Goldens
- 14th Street
- 2 Dogs and a Blog
- 3 Princes And A Princess 2
- 33 Shades of Green
- 365 days of puppy in pictures
- 4paws4always
- 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
- :: ZigZag ::
- <br>Love Always Hopes: The Adventures of Mr. Superman and Mrs. S.
- <center>Pawprints, ears and a tennis ball</center>
- <center>The Elect Lady</center>
- <center>Who's Driving?</center>
- <i>Silber &amp; Gold</i>
- _Web Savvy Mom_
- A blonde walks into a blog....
- A Blue-Eyed Boy Met a Brown-Eyed Girl
- A Brit in Tennessee
- A Coach's Life
- A Day in the Life of Turbo
- A Dog In My Car
- A Dog Named Rabies
- A Dog's Beach
- A Dogs Life, the real story
- A Dose of Dog
- A Farm Wife's Life
- A Few of My Favorite Things
- A Foreign Land
- A Journey Through Photographs
- a Latte' with Ott, A
- a little bit of everything
- A Little Bit of Life
- A Little Farm With A Big Heart
- A Perfectly Unperfect Girl
- A Poodle and a Pit Bull
- a r t 4 m i l k b o n e s ~ a girl and her dog
- A Red Dog in the Red Rocks
- A Southern Belle Trying Not To Rust
- A Stone's Throw From Insanity
- A Tale of Two WaWas
- A to Z Guide to Happiness
- A Wedding Story
- a word from Plantress
- AAA1 Quality Blog, Ltd.
- Acting Balanced
- Adams' Adventures - Our Life Unedited
- Adventures of a Middle-Aged Drama Queen
- Adventures of Anna the GSD
- Adventures of Klaus
- Adventures of Simba &amp; Rocky
- Adventures of the LLB Gang
- Agility Beagle Xsara
- Alabaster Mom
- Alarm Clock Wars
- Ali's Adventures
- All About Bruschi! And Ebby too!
- all four paws - life with ernest
- All You Need Is Pug
- Always Curtsy When You Sneeze
- American Honey Home
- An English Shepherd
- Angel Poses and Runny Noses
- Animal Talk
- Another Tequila Sunrise
- Arayo's Ride
- Artful Animalz
- Asta's World
- Avery Jack's Tails...
- b13fotographica
- Backcountry Brodie
- Badass Geek
- Bake City Life
- Barbara's Beat
- Bark Of Love
- Bark'n About
- Bark, Fetch, Run!
- Barking Out Loud
- Barking's Of Texas
- BCxFour
- Beasley's Banter
- Being Ladybug
- Bella and Me
- bellascountry
- Berner Bumps
- Best Recipes Out There
- between me and my thoughts
- Between the Lines
- bichonpawz
- Biscuits and Belly Rubs
- Blogging Hints
- Blonde at Heart
- Blue Skies and Yellow Dogs
- Boobies, Babies, &amp; A Blog
- Bouncing Bertie's Blog
- Bow Wow Pet
- Boxer Blogger
- Boxer Dog Stories
- BOXERDOGBLOG ~ What's cookin' with Chef ?
- Boxers Do It Best!
- Brandon's life... as a guide dog in training
- Breakfast with the Bennetts
- Brooke in the Big City...
- Brown Dog Tales
- browndog cbr
- Brunch with Amber
- Building the Basics
- Bunny's Warm Oven
- Busted Plumbing: When Mother Nature Kicks You Right In the Ovaries!
- Busy, Busy Buttons
- BZ Dogs
- C Spot Teach
- Cafe of Answers
- Cairo's Place
- Candidly Clyde
- Capture The Moments
- carissa graham
- Carny Dog
- Carries Rambles
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-a-Day
- Cedes Of Change
- Chapters
- cheesehounds
- Christina's Adventures
- Chronicles of a Puppy Walker
- City Girl Can Survive
- Cleo's Day
- coffeyhouse
- Come By Chance
- constant in chaos {formerly iblog}
- Cooking by the Box
- Cooking, with Dogs
- Cori's Big Mouth
- Cory Cat Blog
- Crazy Coulee and Little Lacey
- Crazy Dog Days
- Creative Passage
- Critter Alley
- Crouching Mother, Hidden Toddler
- Cult of the Greyhound
- Cupcakes for Party
- Curious Cavorting Cavoodle
- Dachsies With Moxie
- Dancing About Architecture
- Dandy Duke
- Days on the Creek
- Design it Chic
- designer wedding invitations &amp; more
- Desigs by Mandi Blog
- Did You Remember Your Pill Today?
- Dirt and Lace Photography**
- Dog Blogging With Luna
- Dog Daze
- Dog Eared
- Dog of the Week
- Doggies and Stuff
- Dogs on Thursday
- Dogs-N-More
- Doing It With Grace
- Domestic Dame
- Down Hidden Farm Lane...
- Downunder Daisy
- Draw Me In
- DreamFinder(A Disney Blog)
- Ducks: A Journey with Freya
- Dughallmor Beagles
- East Avenue
- El Diario de Lorenza
- Elephant Lover
- Enjoying the Small Things
- Ethnically Ambiguous
- Eva the Sheltie
- Everyday Is A New Day!
- Everyday Ruralty
- everything, nothing and dogs too
- Exposing the Drapes to My 20s
- Faith's Firm Foundation
- Family of Four
- Far from the Safe Harbor
- farm news
- Fickle in Pink
- Fiesty Three
- Finding My Aloha
- Fiona Designs
- FiveSibes™
- Flip Out Mama
- Following In My Shoes
- Food Floozie
- For the Love of Dogs
- for the love of yellow
- forever88
- Fourth Grade Nothing
- FRANKly and ERNESTly Speaking
- Free Your Giggle
- Freedom Journey
- From Lazy to Lady
- From Mess Hall to Bistro
- Gal in the Middle
- Gardening with Wyatt
- George The Lad
- Georgia Peaches
- Golden Daily Scoop
- Gone to the Dogs
- Good Girl Gone Redneck
- Graciejess
- Greenhill Farm
- Grins and Kisses
- Harriet
- HaupLight
- Heartbeats
- Hearts Make Families
- Hello Pretty
- Help! I Need a Publisher!
- Here Comes Trouble....
- His Little Mrs
- Hollywood Glamorous
- Honeygo Beasley
- Hoosier Farm Babe
- Hootiebee's
- Hoss's World
- Hound Girl
- HoundDogMom
- House of Grace
- Housewife Eclectic
- How I Lost My Sanity
- How Sam Sees It
- I Still Want More Puppies
- if i didn't have a sense of humor
- If You Give A Dog A Bone
- iFRoG
- In Her Twenties Girl
- In the Center of the Roof
- In Through The Out Door
- In Zelle's World
- Inky and Molly's adventures
- Ins And Outs
- Inside BruCrew Life
- Inspire!
- Irresistible Icing
- It Matters To Me
- It's All Random
- It's Real Life Over Here
- it's the little things...
- Its Always Something Around Here
- Ivy's Tail - TPLO Surgeries
- Jennie B. Goode
- Jennifer Juniper
- Jessica Goodwin, author.
- Jessie Lynn Smith
- Jessie's Ramblings
- Jet's Furkid Palace
- JS-Kit
- Judy's Corner Stories, Thoughts and More
- Jules Out Loud
- Junior's Corner
- Juno, Angel Momo &amp; Pinot-The Cav&#39;s Diary
- Just A Girl
- Just Another Dog Blog
- Just dogs with Sherri
- Just Hide the Dishes in the Dryer
- Just Shy of a Y
- Just Wrap It Fitness-It Works
- Kassie's Beach
- Knit One Max Too
- Koping Weimaraners
- Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor
- Lake Creative
- Lapdog Creations
- Leash Free Living
- Legally Brunette
- Legally Fabulous
- Lemons to Lemonade
- Levi Mac
- Life as a Sailor's Girl
- Life as a Wife!
- Life As The MilShelb
- Life at Golden Pines
- Life in the Pitts
- life is BANANAS.
- Life is beautiful and so are you!
- Life on a Southern Farm
- Life with 5 Dogs
- Life With Big Dogs!
- Life with Giggles
- Life with Jack n Jill
- Life With Lucy
- Life with the Kana dogs
- Life with the Tomlin's
- Life's Good, Be Happy!
- Life, Liberty &amp; The Pursuit of BACON
- Life~Love~Laughter~Lori
- Lily's Laundry
- Linden Line Designs
- Little Libby Lou
- Live, Love, Laugh With Leslie
- Live.Love.Laugh.
- Living Our Love Song
- Love, Laurel
- Lovely Life of Leah
- Loving for a living...
- Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder
- lucky bandit | RVA based lifestyle blog
- Lucy The Great Dane's Blog
- Lucy the White Boxer Dog
- Luv My Dachshunds
- Lynsie's Life
- Macy's Puppy Tales
- mad labs and hug dogs
- Maggie Mae Says
- Maggie, The Wedding Dog
- magically ordinary
- makeupthoughts
- MargeBlog
- MChis Blog
- Mediocrity Chronicles
- Meet the Chapmans
- Mental Garbage
- Mimi's Hawaiian Adventure
- Minna Krebs ~ Blogville, Texas
- Mischief
- Miss Lifeguard and Mister Guardian
- Miss' Boudoir
- Moco Online
- Modern Day Ozzie and Harriet
- Mommy Fashionista
- Mommy Spirit
- Mommy's Kicking Cancer's Ass
- Monday Morning
- Monkey Butt Junction
- monkeys on the roof
- Moogie &amp; Pap
- Morgan in Pittsburgh
- Mr. Magnificent and Company
- mrs. lavespere
- Murdocks Mama
- Murphy's Law
- My Boo Bear
- My Brown Newfies
- My Fantabulous Wonderful Life
- My Freshly Brewed Life
- My Mad Mind
- My Name is Yona Williams and I Write
- My Place in Thyme
- My Quarter Life Crisis
- my random insanities
- My Simple Everyday
- My Sweet Life
- My Tail Hurts From Wagging So Much
- MyCup2Yours
- mygreatdaneisinlovewithme
- N
- NAK's Khorner - Khome On By!
- New Leaf Nickie
- Newman's Notes
- Nico and The Bandit
- Noah's Bark
- Not all those who wander are lost
- Not Quite Mary Poppins
- Nubbin' Tails
- Oh, Corbin
- oh, sweetlee me...
- Oisín the Pug
- Olive
- On this journey called ... life
- One Bark at a Time
- One Puppy's Life
- one sassy vixen
- Original Mischief
- Our Life: Dozer and Coop
- Our Mini Australian Shepherd
- Our slice of heaven
- Ours for a Year
- outta the bleu
- Park Avenue Chihuahua
- Patience-please
- Paws To Admire
- Pepper and Folly
- Pet Blog By Bocci @ Bocci's Beefs
- Philanthropistas - saving the world in style
- Photos of Suka and the Pack (of the human &amp; four legged variety) :)
- Planting Shade
- Popcorn Served Daily
- Prenda Le Stelle
- Priester's Peace
- Project Puppy
- Puglette Ponders
- Pumpkin Tart
- Punk Rock Momma
- Q&amp;A: The Dogs Today Think Tank
- Queen Lola Bugs
- Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
- Raising Addie
- Randomness with Rachel
- Reactive Champion
- Rebekah&#39;s Bits &amp; Pieces
- Road Dog Tales
- Romping and Rolling in the Rockies
- rottrover
- Ruby and Penny - 2 Mini Dachshunds
- Ryan and Katie's Awesome Blog
- Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle
- Sami Boy
- Sassy &amp; Ginger Chronicles (and Chili Too!)
- Schnauzer and Schnauzer!
- Scooterland
- Scratch My Belly
- Scruffy Dogs
- Seasons Of My Mind
- See Foxes?
- Serendipity is Sweet
- Shop With Sisters
- SibeMaxx
- Sierra Rose
- Simply Chrissy
- Singing With Birds
- Sleeping in The Wet Spot
- Smushie Ranch
- So about what I said...
- So Shay
- Soaking Up the Sunnyside of Life
- Sophie Lou
- Southern Cooking Comforts
- Southern Reflexions
- Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog
- Speaker Mode
- Spring Lake Farm - Filling an Empty Nest
- Sprollies are for Sharing
- Stella's Mom
- Stella's World
- Stephanie S - A Day in the Life of a Grad Student's Wife
- Sticky Crows
- Still A Joy
- Stumpy Wanders
- Suburban Housewife-in-Training
- Suddenly Sandy
- Sugar The Golden Retriever - Dog Blog
- Sunshine &amp; Mud Puddles
- Sunshine Praises
- Swayze Dogletts Blog
- Take It From Me
- Tales and Tails
- Tales of The Great Rock Eater
- Talk to the paw...
- Talking Dogs at For Love of a Dog
- Tessa the Maltese
- That 22 yr old Housewife
- that girl from around the bay
- The Adventures of Cloud the Wonder Dog
- The Adventures of Kendall the Cavalier
- The Adventures of Maddy the Puggle &amp; Owen the Beagle
- The Adventures of Maxdog in South Africa
- The Adventures of Sammie and Avalon
- The Boxer Blog
- The Brat Pack
- The Brown Dog Blog
- The Bully Blogger
- The Chronicle of Woos
- The Daily Oskar
- The Daily Pip
- The Daily Puglet
- The Day Just Began....Already
- The Devil Dog
- the dogfathers
- The Dogs Tale
- The Everyday Life of A MilShelb Mom
- The First Lessons From and For 4 Legs
- The Grimm Gang
- The Hobbit Habitat
- The Homesteading Cottage
- The Human Race 600
- The Kendra Diaries
- The Latest Scoop
- The Life and Times of Chewy the Shih Tzu
- The Life and Times of Remington
- The Life I Adore With Us Four
- The Life of Mrs. A
- The Lucky Layman's
- The Many Faces of Mom
- The Mundane Life of The Divine Miss M
- The Muttly Crew
- The Pet Podcast Channel,
- The Portuguese Water Blog
- The Pugpant Chronicles
- The Pugs Strike Back
- The Rational Mind of a Crazy Woman
- The Scatterbrained Mama
- The Scoop on Poop
- The Southern Wife
- The Stockdog Diaries
- the struggle within
- The Survival Guide For The Young, Fabulous &amp; Newlywed
- The Tales of Dexter, Nora, and Chloe
- The Teacher's Pets
- The Things We Find Inside
- The Toy Box Years
- The Ultimate Guide to Happiness
- The Virginia House
- The Waffle Blog
- The Wonders of Doing
- The World According To Lexi
- The WriggleButts
- The Writer's Dog
- Then I Got To Thinking...
- Therapy Dog Josie
- Therapy Failed
- Therapy Has Gone To The Dogs
- There is a Horse In My Bubblebath
- There's Always Room for Pie
- Things I Can't Say
- Things Sent My Way
- Third Time's A Charm
- This and That....
- This Freckled Lemonade
- This Mom Needs Wine
- this side of the island
- Three Heeler's Wild
- Tight Wad In Training
- Tiny Little Dog Blog
- Traci66
- TrailBoss
- Trixie And Lily And Sammy-Joe
- Tucker
- Tuffy's Tales
- Turn left at the pigs
- Two Children and a Migraine
- Two French Bulldogs
- Two Little Cavaliers
- Two Monkeys &amp; A Washtub
- Two Pugs in a Pod
- Upside Down
- uptown doggy blog
- UtterlyChaotic!
- V.L. Locey
- Velcro the Australian Cattle Dog
- Vet On The Edge
- Walking the off-beaten path
- We 3 Doxies
- Welcome Sunshine Home
- What About Bob?
- What Holly Has Seen
- What Would Jen Do
- While Walking Duncan
- Whippet Tales
- Who Says Dogs Don't Blog
- who's your dachshund
- Why Everyone Should Train Dogs
- Wigglin' Nubbins
- Wilma the Pug
- Wimsey's Blog: Diary of a Manhattan Bloodhound
- Win, Lose, or Blog-Jen
- Windows to My Life: Writing to Remember
- Windy Poplars
- Wisdom or Ramblings...
- With "Faith, Family, and Friends!"
- With Our Best
- Wonderful World of Wieners
- Wonders of Nature, Cats 'n Dogs
- Woof Talk
- Words As A Form Of Life!!
- Wrigley's World
- wyldechylde
- Wyndson Farm
- You Can Call Me Moose
- Your Mother Knows But Won't Tell You...
- ~ Weezer ~
- ~ Rosie Days~
- ~Animal &amp; Pet Photography By Julie-Anne Wagner~
- ♥ Mommy Miscellaneous ♥
- ♥ The Paper Mama
- ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥
- ♥~♥~♥Just Me and My Life ♥~♥~♥
- ✩ Confessions Of A Jaded Vixen! ✩
Gender | Female |
Location | New Brighton, Pittsburgh, PA, United States |
Introduction | I am 35, about to turn 36, engaged to a wonderful, smart, adventurous and fun guy with an amazingly youthful spirit; I'm mom to a wonderful little boxer that makes me smile at least 10 times every day and constantly reminds me not to take life so seriously; I would cook huge 6 course meals every day if I had the time, and I would bake cookies, breads, pies and all kinds of wonderful things and share them with anyone who would eat them- if I had the time. Cookbooks are an obsession, just like shopping, writing, and taking pictures. |
Interests | Cooking & Baking (especially for a crowd), Kayaking & Boating (as long as the water isn't too deep), Camping, Politics, Literature, Music, the stock market, Travel, litertature and shopping. |
Favorite Movies | Face Off, Gone in 60 Seconds, Marley & Me, Gone With the Wind. |
Favorite Music | I love just about all country, some class rock, and a little bit of 80's music. |
Favorite Books | Little Women, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Everything Boxer Book, Training Your Boxer and Marley and Me. |