Zizzers In First

About me

Introduction Welcome to our blog! I'm Jennifer from Missouri. I'm in my twelfth year in first grade and couldn't imagine doing anything else!! I am also a wife and mommy of a six year old girl and two year old twin boys. Besides teaching and being a busy mom, I also enjoy spending time with friends and family, reading, and organizing. Creating and maintaining a blog will certainly be out of my comfort zone, but I felt like I needed the challenge! Hi I am Ashlea. This is also my twelfth year teaching. I have been in First Grade for ten of those years with a short trip to Second Grade in the middle. I love both grade levels but really feel at home in First. I am married to my best friend and together we have three little girls. They keep us very busy and make us very happy. I love reading blogs and getting ideas for my classroom and home. I hope that you can find something you can use from our blog. Let us know what you think. We decided to start this blog together because we’re a perfect team. Jen is a planner and Ashlea is a doer. We’ve planned a lot together over the past and hope that blogging together will be equally as successful. Wish us luck!