Dr. Pearl Ketover Prilik (PKP)
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- .: Arash's Poetry :.
- a river of stones
- Barbara's Meanderings
- Claudsy's Calliope
- Conversations With A Cardinal
- Discriminating Reader
- I Hate Poetry: The Buddah Moskowitz Archive
- Imagine
- Lightverse - just for fun!
- myspace.com/amybarlowpoetry
- Never Say a Commonplace Thing
- One Inch Tall
- Poetic Asides with Robert Lee Brewer
- Sharp Little Pencil
- the wild magnolia
- Whatever and ever
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Author/Psychoanalyst |
Location | Lido Beach, New York, United States |
Introduction | Books Published: Stepmothering Another Kind of Love,The Art of Stepmothering,Becoming An Adult Stepchild....(see a pattern here?)... Editor of Prompted, An International Collection of Poems (a cooperative, collaborative effort) and Beyond the Dark Room - profits from both to be contributed to World Literacy and Doctors Without Borders respectively. Have published several non-fiction short pieces here and there mostly there and sometimes nowhere. Poetry has been published online and in more than a dozen print journals - editor/contributor to two international poetry anthologies. Have two completed novels (shown and rejected by one publisher) and 4 others in dire need of editing or shredding - same goes for bakers dozen of short stories. Adored structure of higher learning for most of adult life and all of childhood. Have a private practice as psychoanalyst/psychotherapist for the past 20 years. Lived in the Virgin Islands at the beginning of my adulthood because I "could" an experience which transformed the way I look at life - then, now and in between. Have always wanted to dedicate the bulk of my time to writing... as the sands of time run..I'm ready... |
Interests | Reading, writing, trying to figure out what we're all doing here - trying to to let go of figuring out what we're all doing here - trying to let go and stop trying - trying to find the sweet spot between too much trying and not trying enough. Watching any kind of naturally moving water, preferably clear of people and all other unnatural objects. Falling into a film. Holding a newborn baby. Quiet, shining cleanliness, and peace of mind, heart and soul. |
Favorite Books | My firsts... Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, To Kill a Mockingbird... because they offered a way out and a way in. |