Sally Baker

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Student
Occupation Student of the Word and world
Location Athens, GA
Introduction My sister Amy and I used to perform balance beam routines on the back of the basement sofa and magic shows where everyone pretended not to understand the tricks. Once when I was hit by a neighborhood bully, my brother John pulled him out of the tree he'd climbed and made sure the bully never messed with me again. When I was little, my mom sat on the side of my bed and told me Smurf Stories to help me fall asleep. I learned math by solving Dad-created word problems while grilling on the back porch. When I was 28 years old, I fell in love with a man who, 10 years earlier, turned me down for a Valentine's date, punched me in the face, and ate the rest of my lunch. He's changed my life forever. These are the people who have made me.

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

Nope. Just listening to a few more seconds of John Boy and Billy, my ultimate guilty pleasure.