Ilkka Kauppinen
My blogs
- Resiinametsästyk... syvin olemus
- Matkailun erikoistumisopin... opettajan blogi - Haaga-Helia
- Matkailun erikoistumisopin... 2012
- Roi Ladut
Blogs I follow
- "Annen koulutus blogy"
- Asiantuntija
- eOppimaan
- Erikoistumisopintoni Haaga-Heliassa
- esittely
- Espoon sähköinen maailma
- eSuski
- Hotelli Helka
- JuhaKoo
- Kati oppii
- Kotihousut // Home Couture
- Luovaa joukkoliikennettä
- Matkailua ja sähköä
- Matkailumarkkinointiopiskelua
- Matkailumiete
- Matkalla markkinoinnin sähköisessä maailmassa
- Matkalla Porvoossa
- Sosiaalinen media opetuksessa
- Tunturin juurelta
- Tunturista tuulee
- Ylläksen Rinnemies
Gender | Male |
Industry | Marketing |
Occupation | Internet Marketing Consultant |
Location | Rovaniemi, Finland |
Introduction | Ilkka Kauppinen is one of the leading Finnish Internet marketing professionals and scholars in tourism. Currently he work as Director of Development in Electronic Commerce Finland Ltd. He has an extensive knowledge of eBusiness development, information and communication technologies as well as Internet marketing. Ilkka is a regular lecturer and business trainer on eBusiness and eMarketing in tourism for various organisations, including many universities, companies and SME networks in Finland. In addition to consultation, he is currently writing a doctoral thesis on Internet marketing in tourism at the University of Lapland. Ilkka's blog htpp:// is the biggest Finnish online travel blog. In his free time Ilkka enjoys the great outdoors in Lapland. |
Interests | Internet marketing, skiing, telemark, climbing, cycling, kick-biking, kayaking, literature |
Favorite Movies | The Big Blue, Citizen Kane |
Favorite Music | Ambient, Downtempo, Dub, PycaK |
Favorite Books | Aleksandr Solženitsyn, Vladimir Nabokov, Fedor Dostojevski |