Boys Before Flowers 2

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Introduction This group was created by fans of BBF with the hope that with this we can convince the creators and the network (KBS) to make a season 2. We propose to create the biggest page (all other blogs united in one). The idea is to get organized and sent letters (from fans from all over the world) that write letters to the KBS and to the cast.(all the actors social network) Petitions Not only because we want to keep seeing the show but also because we think that the show and the fans deserve to have a more memorable finale as well to be able to tie up some loose ends. So please pass the message and invite your friends to join us. We know that together we can make this happened. ................... EspaƱol: Este grupo fue creado por fans de BBF ( los chicos son mejores que las flores) con la esperanza de que con el podamos convencer a los creadores y a la cadena KBS de hacer la temporada 2 de tan exitosa serie Nuestra propuesta consiste en crear el mas grande grupo de fans, es decir, unir todos los grupos ya existentes y personas que les encanta la serie para enviar cartas y peticiones no solo a la cadena si no al cast a los actores el mayor numero de cartas posibles.