
About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Occupation Instrumental Tutor (unemployed)
Location Bristol, United Kingdom
Introduction I'm an experienced drummer and a fledgling guitar/vocalist with an interest in sound recording/engineering and I love the buzz of creating a new piece of music, most of my stuff is a little quirky and I have trouble writing perfect 3 minute pop spectaculars, but I don't care!
Interests I love music, a lot of people say they love music, what I mean is I can talk the ears off a donkey about a particular artist/band/genre until the other person has either lost interest/gone out and bought three albums (this happens more often than you'd expect). I love getting involved in music in many ways.
Favorite Movies Recently (in the last five years) I have enjoyed laughing at Ron Burgundy, my thoughts have been provoked by V for Vendetta and Children of Men, and I have enjoyed seeing many things explode, in no particular order.
Favorite Music Do I have a favourite song, or band, no. What's the point?
Favorite Books I am currently trying to read 'Excession' by Iain M Banks, enjoying it so far, just need to devote more time to the activity

Create a tagline for a new line of plastic bedsheets.

we won't wrinkle if you take a tinkle