Mrs Swan
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Cupcakes & Kickboxing!
- *A Strong New Me*
- . No Empty Yesterdays .
- ...........................................
- a fat kid loves cake
- 100in12
- 2012 The Year of Zero
- 266
- <center> Rejecting 300 </center>
- <img src="">
- A Journey to Thin
- A Little More Passion
- A Look Into Her Brain
- Actual Scale
- Adios Boobies Butt N Gut
- Adios Boobies Butt N Gut
- Amazon Runner
- Amelia's Quest: 24 Weeks of Weight Loss
- At Harvest Moon Farm
- Auntie Mandy's Good Choices Blog
- Baby Space
- Back in Step
- Bad Emma
- Beyond Willpower
- Bonez
- brain matter spatter
- Bubbalicious
- byebyefatpants
- Carpe Cibus
- Clean Slate, Healthy Plate
- Confessions of a + Sized Girl
- Confessions of a 30 Day Shred Drop-Out
- Confessions of a Glitterholic
- Crystal is fat
- dear self ...
- define: self-perception
- Delightful Dwelling
- Diary of a Cavewoman
- Diminishing Doll
- Eat. Sleep. Get Fit.
- Er... yeah... I think so...
- Faster In Water
- Fat Girl Unleashed
- Fat Girl Won't Run
- Fat in Suburbia
- Fat Mom Blog
- Fatty Getting Thin
- Fight Fat Phobia
- Finding Radiance - my weight loss journey
- Fluffy Nurse
- Follow in my Footsteps
- Food's Ex Best Friend
- Frances and The Technicolor Tummy
- From Cow to WOW!
- Fun and Frugal Living
- Garden Girl
- genericwhore
- Ger Bear
- Get the F-ing Fat Off
- Gettin' Shrunk
- Gettin' To the Skinny....
- Halving Hadley - An Economist's Weight Loss Blog
- Healthy Shelah
- High Voltage Photography
- highway200to160
- How I learned to run faster than the zombies by avoiding corndogs
- I Miss My Collar Bone, Baby
- In Weigh Over my Head
- Incognito
- Journey to a Better Me
- JS-Kit
- Just A Domesticated Glitter Goddess
- Katie J Is On Her Way
- Kim's Weight Loss Journey
- Korg turns Grok
- Laurie's Journey to Better Health
- Life as I know it...
- Life Food and Beer
- Life Inside the Blubber Sarcophagus
- Life off the D List!
- Lissa's Vertical Sleeve Journey
- Living Simple....Or Simply Living...
- Losing to gain!
- make just a ripple
- Making Changes in 2012
- Marbles = Lost
- Meandering Lanes
- Minus The Whipped Cream and Cherry
- Moments of Grace
- Mommy's Tired
- More Than Conquerors
- Motivation Is Overrated
- Mouse Mamma's Blog
- MrsSwan
- muffin fixation
- My Accountability Blog
- My adventure in obtaining a new life
- My Blog Is Boring
- My Fitness Journey
- My Frugal Fun Life
- my heavy-weight battle
- My Road to Thin
- MyFitnessJourney
- NO MORE Chub Rub
- No to the Deuce
- Not An Effing Diet!
- Not just celery
- Oh No! Mama is a Zombie!
- Okay, so I'm fat...
- On my weigh to happiness....
- Operation Healthy
- Paper Wing Designs
- Pizza, Cakes, Pies...Oh My!
- Planner Girl Gets Fit ♥
- Poonapalooza
- Primal Bento
- Primal Ponderings
- Project Revamp
- Pudget: Losing Weight On a Budget!
- Ramblings of a mad woman...
- Running Loco
- Running With Glitter
- She Ain't Heavy
- She woke up Fat
- Show me all that glitters.......
- SKINNY ME!!!!!......coming soon :P
- So Over Fat
- Step Away From The Cupcake
- Taking Back My Life
- the adventures of a single mom/nursing student
- The Beauty and The Games
- The Beauty Cheapskate
- The Blubber Blog
- The Diversified Homemaker
- The Food Diaries
- The Happy (atheist) Homemaker
- The Prewitt Family... A look into our life...
- The Pursuit of Healthyness
- The Sharp Scissors Lady
- The Skinny on Staci
- Thinspiration
- Third Time's A Charm!!
- This is MY Life
- Thrift Store Mama Loses It !
- Tpartee's Thoughts 'n Stuff
- Triumphs, Trials, and Tribulations
- Understanding Me
- Victorious Eating, Thinking &amp; Weight Loss!
- Watch Me Shrink
- Weighing in with my .02
- Weightloss fight from Morbidly Obese to Just Overweight!
- What a Splurge ... the diet and the exercise
- whatever dude
- When the Smoke Alarm Goes Off, Dinner's Ready!
- Why Wait For New Years?
- Will Run for Food
- Wine at the finish line and other stories
- Workin It Out!!!!!!!!!!!
- Zumba This Butt Sexy
- ~~~~~~~*~*~*Little Country Mouse Little Country Home*~*~*~
Gender | Female |
Industry | Banking |
Occupation | Manager |
Location | Central, FL, United States |
Introduction | Once upon a time this blog was created as a frugality blog. Over time it transitioned into a weight loss blog. After a long hiatus this is now evolving into a life blog. A blog that will contain everything that is happening in my life. |
Interests | toddlers, animals, world of warcraft, WoW, Ocala, Fl, homemaking, budgeting, penny pinching, saving money |