
My blogs

About me

Introduction Where Am I? In the middle world of the three experiences in Time: -this material world which lies between a temporary heaven and temporary hell.--------------- Who Am I? A being who has had much more experience and who has made many more choices than I can now recall – enough experience and choice, in fact, to have built up my present character, mentality and body. I am what I have thought. I am the residuum of many choices. Therefore I blame no one and accept full responsibility.------------ What Am I? One of the innumerable other beings passing up through Time to Timelessness. I am here partly to discharge my own mistakes and partly to develop rudimentary constructive beginnings.-------------- Why Am I? That I may so act toward myself and so act toward and through these others, that they and I may come to realize we are one and thus attain the complete Unity. --Gerald Heard, The Recollection, 1944----------------------------------- (すべてがわたくしの中のみんなであるやうに みんなおのおのの中のすべてですから) 宮澤賢治『春と修羅』大正十三年一月廿日
Interests Don't let school interfere with your education.