Colour me Tasty

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction Hi! I decided to blog because I want to share good honest advice on products from the point of view of a 30 something female, representing 'real women' So a bit about me...I love all things beauty but I also love food, in particular cheese and sausages (sometimes together) that's why my blog got the name Colour me Tasty. Firstly because it's my aim to give you the knowledge on products to make you feel your best and keep you looking great (or tasty!) And secondly because of my love of lip smackingly delicious food :) x In my blog you will no doubt see me mention Mr M, who is my wonderful, if not frustrating at times, other half. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy researching and writing it. Lottie x
Interests Makeup, beauty products, food (not necessarily in that exact order)