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On Blogger since September 2008
Profile views - 5623
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Gender | Female |
Occupation | Model berus gigi, pembunuh bersiri, manager super junior, tauke besar kfc, teman wanita Mark Zuckerberg dan Skandal Mat Lutfhi bukanlah pekerjaan aku ;] |
Location | Penang, MY, Malaysia |
Introduction | If I talk crap just let me..this is my place yo! Seseorang yang gedik dan suka menjerit, lelaki yg berlagak jd superman tp takut cicak, budak kecik yg xreti berhenti bila menangis, facebook holic, manusia panas baran dan pengikut freemason yg obses bukanlah identiti penulis. Ok?? The shit u hear about me might be true..but again it could be as fake as the bitch who told u . |
Interests | perempuan gedik yg suka menjerit, lelaki yg berlagak jd superman tp takut cicak, budak kecik yg xreti berhenti bila menangis, facebook holic, panas baran mcm ayah aku dan pengikut freemason bukanlah minat aku. Ok? |
Favorite Movies | Prison Break, All Korean drama, Running Man, come to play, Mnet. |
Favorite Music | Anything yang memberangsangkan lubang teliga ini.. |
Favorite Books | 'aku tidak membaca buku sebaliknya buku yang membaca aku' |
Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?
Motto?? always think dat i'm d hero coz if i;m d heroin.. i need 2 wait 4 my hero too back up or save me... So think dat i'm d hero so i can do anything without wasting my time 2 wait 2 my hero....