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About me

Industry Student
Location United States
Introduction Welcome to the blog! I'm glad you decided to join in on the experience of living a healthy life in a not so healthy nation. My name is Alexa Schirm. I am a recent graduate of Iowa State University with a degree in Nutrition. Recently I have opened up a fitness studio, Vitality, where I teach, okay whoop people into shape. I have also added nutrition consulting to the business in which I hope to complete the circle of health. It is my goal on this blog to help you create realistic changes into your life to complete your own circle of health. I know it can seem overwhelming with thousands of products on the grocery store shelves and TV commercials telling you what you should and shouldn't consume. So my focus is going to be to help you make the right choices, helping you to know truth from myth. OO and did I mention, all of which on a buget. I know I'm going to debunk myth #1 right here on my bio... Healthy Food does not have to be more expensive than the "other" food! But we will get to that in an actually post. So come, join me each day as I fill you in on secrets to help you live the best life you can. Enjoy reading and bon appetit!