Gouverneur Morris Papers
My blogs
Location | Ithaca, New York, United States |
Introduction | This blog is kept updated by the editors of the Gouverneur Morris Papers, a project affiliated with the New-York Historical Society. The Gouverneur Morris Papers project is in the process of transcribing and annotating the papers of Morris to modern editorial standards. The first book of materials, "The Diaries of Gouverneur Morris: European Travels, 1794-1798" was published by the University of Virginia Press in 2011 and was put up on the Press's Founding Era ROTUNDA website in December 2015, along with Morris's Paris diaries, which were edited by Beatrix Davenport but with some revisions by the current editors. Work is currently progressing on the second volume, of his diaries from 1799 until 1816, the year of his death. |