Kai in Africa

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction In 2012 I embarked on an adventure through Africa. My journey began in Ghana and ended in Ethiopia; in total I covered 6 countries. I didn’t have any plans, I didn't know anyone, all I knew was that tours were not my thing. So with no help except for a Lonely Planet guidebook I stepped into the unknown. I am now back in the safety of my Sydney home and reading through my journals to write this blog. I can only now look favourably on my experiences such as: hanging out in a Ghanaian slum; getting a Voodoo healing in Benin; paying bribes in Togo; staying with marijuana farmers in Lesotho; making friends in Jo’Burg; sleeping in huts with a Himba tribe as I hitch-hiked through Namibia; visiting a leprosy hospital and watching an exorcism in Ethiopia; getting whipped by a Hammer man in a 'Jumping of the Bulls' ceremony and being the first white woman an entire village had ever seen. At times my trip was hard...Being a lesbian covered in tattoos often made it worse, but one thing I can say about my trip was that I never got bored. I did get scared, frustrated, homesick, lost, robbed, bitten, stalked, kissed, bed ridden with illness, yelled at and utterly defeated, but I never got bored.