
About me

Gender Male
Introduction Love my God, wife, kids and outdoors.
Interests Spending time w/ my kids, Cycling, Running, Reading, Writing, Music
Favorite Movies The Right Stuff, Breaking Away, Napoleon Dynamite, Wedding Crasher
Favorite Music Rap (clean enough for the kids), Inspirational, Rock, R&B, Pop, Classical, Jazz, Bluegrass, Country...basically, ANYTHING but Reggae b/c it makes me wanna vomit.
Favorite Books Bible, Utmost for His Highest, Case for Christ, Purpose Driven Life, Webster Thesaurus/Dictionary, Elements of Grammar…anything but romance novels, Sci-Fi and Clifford the Big Red Dog (sorry kids)

You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?

John 5:15 I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do NOTHING!