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About me

Gender Male
Location Monroe, GA, United States
Introduction I’m a creature of habit on most days. The loves of my life are my wife, reading, writing, good friends, a great cup of coffee, and good conversation. There are few people in my life that I can truly call my friends but the ones that are there for me are of quality. I’m always on the lookout for more friends that have similar likes and values and that just might like getting together for a good game of cards from time to time. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I have many acquaintances but that doesn’t make them a friend now does it? I have a grown son (25) that is still searching for his place in life. I guess we all were at his age. I’m fighting the changes in the tides, just as most of us are, that affect my way of life (The American way… aka, the American dream). I’m an optimist when it comes to life but a pessimist when it comes to people.
Interests I’m quite interested in writing as you might have guessed. I do have a fondness for wood working and gardening. Once upon a time I collected baseball cards and accumulated over forty thousand of them along with various other types of memorabilia.
Favorite Movies "Forrest Gump", "My Cousin Vinny" and "The Green Mile" are the ones that stick out in my mind.
Favorite Music My taste in music varies but I'd have to say that Natalie Merchant is at/or close to the top of the list.
Favorite Books I’ve read many books by many different authors over the years and I can’t nail any particular one down as a favorite. I’m currently reading “Under the Dome” written by Stephen King.

What spells can you cast with magic markers?

Is it all worth it?