
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Introduction 你不會想知道那麼多
Interests 閱讀, 寫作, 麻將, 甜食, 螃蟹, 搖滾樂, 重金屬
Favorite Movies 四百擊, 戀戀情深, 春光乍洩, 阿飛正傳, 錫鼓, 你那邊幾點
Favorite Music Bach, Jill Scott, Erykah Badu, Placebo, Smashing Pumpkins, Lauryn Hill, JJ72, Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Interpol, Opeth, Marylin Manson
Favorite Books Lolita, Speak Memory, The Collector, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, Love in the Time of Cholera, The Great Gatsby, The Tin Drum, Dubliners, Ulysses, Catch-22, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, To the Lighthouse, 海邊的卡夫卡, 挪威的森林, 像我這樣一個女子, 我城, 母魚, 象是笨蛋, 飛氈, 譴悲懷, 花憶前身, 世紀末的華麗, 像念我的眷村兄弟們, 台北人, 風箏家族, 灰花, 紅樓夢, 金瓶梅, 第一爐香, 半生緣, T.S Eliot, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop, e.e cummings, W.B. Yeats, W.H Auden, 夏宇, 楊牧, 商禽