
About me

Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Introduction Mother, wife, sister, friend, neighbor, child advocate, musician, perpetual student, reader, thinker, knitter, maker, dancer. Raised in the Reform Jewish tradition, trained in philosophy, law and music, committed to communitarian values and action. Other Interests: optimism, green energy, opera, camping, quilting, viola da gamba, traditional fiddling, early music, history of books, iconography, cartography.
Interests Find my efforts at knitting together Jewish values and social action at: www.tikkunknits.wordpress.com You'll also find my community peace project, The TikkunTree Project, at: www.thetikkuntree.wordpress.com
Favorite Books Genesis, I and Thou (Martin Buber), Philebus (Plato), On Friendship (Aristotle), The Poverty of Historicism (Karl Popper), The Spirit of Community (Amitai Etzione), A History of God (Karen Armstrong), Blood Oranges (John Hawkes), The Lathe of Heaven (Ursula le Guin), A Canticle for Liebowitz (Walter M. Miller, Jr.), The God of Small Things (Arundhati Roy), My Friend the Monster (Clyde Bulla), The Hundred Dresses (Eleanor Estes)