Girl Genius

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About me

Gender Female
Occupation Resident Genius
Location Penguin Bay, Antarctica
Introduction Reformed book collector who spends her days selling her soul to corporate America - in exchange for good health insurance and a cubicle. I make up for this karmic strike by actively involving myself in multiple non-profit organizations. I am direct, rather quirky, and love correspondence. I adore animals and have a dog and a cat. I have a precarious relationship with my car insurance company. I like simple food, expensive vodka, and mini-golf! I hate the arm rest being down when I go to movies and never drink enough water. My car is named Lucius Verus (after a Roman emperor) and has a manual transmission. I adhere to the belief that what happens in Vegas stays there. I do not eat sushi. I love to read, write, and criticize other people's grammar skills. I love children and dogs and books about serial killers. I have several siblings, godchildren, and dreams, but only 1 life to live.
Favorite Movies Book of Eli, The Red Violin, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Empire Records, Silence of the Lambs, anything animated Disney!
Favorite Music Most anything performed live!!!
Favorite Books Music of Chance, Foccault's Pendulum, Pride and Prejudice, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass, The Road