
My blogs

About me

Introduction Hello there fellow viewer..first things first, thank you for stopping by, the honor is all mine. Secondly,feel free to ask any questions or email me, or leave some feedback. I appreciate your thoughts and input. The goal of this blog is to hopefully spread some encouragement and maybe even give you something to think about in the ole dome piece. Because you have stumbled upon this blog and have read this whole description, I consider you like family. The main goal of this blog is to bring glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has given me everything and more, so I hope that The Better Half of Me will only point back to Him. Thank you for stopping by and don't be a stranger! In fact, to help you in not being a stranger..the people who invented this whole thing created a SUBSCRIBE anytime I share something, you will know, and you can share back! So do yourself a favor and subscribe if you feel like it. Alrighty then, if you want to know more..just read the blog!