
About me

Gender Male
Industry Fashion
Location hk, Hong Kong
Introduction I started talking about me and myself on the internet back in 1996. I wish I have saved all the posts. I managed to retrieve some, so here you go, a collection of some of my blogs since 1996. (2011年的自我评价): 最紧要好玩 (2001年的自我评价): 个性: 生性好动,逻辑性强,蛮不讲理,好交良友,重色轻友,本性善良,重德讲义. :成长: 生于香港,长于香港,逃离保罗,出类拔萃,懈后英伦,美国扎根,辉煌midwest,凯旋归港,回归祖国,心灵解放,汉化思过. :理想: 对天对地,与世无争,成家立室,大受欢迎,爱国爱民,爱猫爱狗,造福人群,名留青史,死都瞑目
Interests (2011年的兴趣)微博,facebook,foursquare,lebron james still doesn’t have a ring as of May (2001年的兴趣)琴(飞行)棋书(漫)画,电玩游戏,良酒佳肴,不嫖不赌但好饮兼吹,半夜聊天,无聊成性
Favorite Movies dragon ball, The Legend by Jackie Chan, Snake on a plane, Battlefield Earth.
Favorite Music classical composers like cheesy tchaikosky (?), romantic Borodin, technical Bach, unbelievable Mozart. modern composer/performer Astor Piazolla, madhouse fatass Hanjin Tan, Poetic Eric Kwok.
Favorite Books i don't read.