
About me

Gender Female
Location South Portland, ME, United States
Introduction In my life I have experienced parenting in many forms. Currently a single, working parent. I am also a parent to adult children and a grandparent. The window of parenting small children was closed early due to violence. I made very difficult choices which to this day often bring pain. I was blessed again with the opportunity to show the love a mother has with another child. Does this negate my children I was not allowed to be with? Not at all - it increased the tears. It is difficult to tell adult children decisions that were made years ago, especially when emotions are heated. A mother's love never changes, regardless of the reasons for the separations. Neither does a mother's love, but this does not erase the confusion the children hold close to their hearts.
Interests Helping women who have experienced violence and rape. To help those who are mothers yet don't have their children. I am interested in encouraging others on their spiritual path and to be knowledgeable of all spiritual paths. I desire to inspire women with empowerment to be able to live in love and not fear.
Favorite Movies Crime Dramas, Thriller, Comedy, SciFi
Favorite Music I love most music, not a fan of rap, Celtic music is amazing, and I am partial to country, classic rock, and jazz
Favorite Books Crime thrillers, SciFi, Biologies, Self-improvement/Positive Thinking

Why does a mother leave her young children? There are more answers than I can ever place here, but let me remind you that when a mother makes that choice it is not done lightly but with the heaviest of hearts!