
About me

Introduction I am a retired software engineer living in the Pacific NW. My current day job continues to involve my life's roles as husband, father, grandfather, citizen. By choosing to surrender my 43 year role as employee, there is now more time to enjoy writing, fixing stuff, developing musical skill, and exploring the many interesting facets of my world that I stumble upon.
My writing habit is expressed through my blogs. I blog notes to myself, mostly in the style of a discourse with my Generalized Other, talking us through various subjects that interest me.
Perceptive readers will see existential challenges here: maintaining social presence with family and friends while being involved in often solitary activities; avoiding catastrophe (e.g. elder dude on bicycle at speed); resisting entropy that pushes harder on us as the years pile on and internal energy wanes.
Interests Factoid: The first computer game I played was Spacewar on a PDP-1 in 1963, Factoid: I have managed to remain exclusively a consumer of Nikon, Audi, and Apple products for over 30 years, in spite of having no brand loyalty inclination whatsoever, Factoid: My favorite instance of re-purposing is the conversion of old railroad right-of-way into bicycle trails through forest and field, Factoid: Bucket lists filled with experiential gratification make no sense to me. I am more of a macher-type. My bucket will hold a list of things to create.