Jack L

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About me

Gender Male
Location Ireland
Introduction I'm a 17 year old European, that has only been awakened to film as an art form instead of just mindless entertainment for about 2 years, this blog will chart the gradual growth of my film knowledge until I eventually become a Director myself.
Interests Cinema, Literature, Writing, Discussing Films.
Favorite Movies Ghost Dog, Ran, Taxi Driver, Fitzcarraldo, La Haine, Pulp Fiction, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Brazil, Badlands, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, Chinatown, M, The Leopard, The Seventh Seal....
Favorite Music Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Frank Zappa, The Who, The Clash, Lou Reed, Cream, The Doors, Iron Maiden, David Bowie, Queen, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nirvana
Favorite Books Brave New World, Vanity Fair, The Lord Of The Rings, Count Belisarius, Don Quixote, My Family and Other Animals...