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About me

Introduction I am a Gulf War veteran who decided in 2006 to start living again. I had terminal cancer which the doctors could do nothing for and was waiting to die. I decided to live and stopped taking all prescription drugs and started on a natural healing regimen with herbs which has saved me from major back surgery, saved my gall bladder, healed severely damaged nerves, decreased my pain from chronic conditions which continues to improve daily, and cured the terminal cancer. Drugs are NOT the answer to healing, nutrition is, and that is how we were created. What our Creator gave us will always be superior to what man tries to duplicate, but cannot. NEVER accept anyone telling you that you will not get better, you cannot heal a certain condition, you are going to die, etc until YOU have done all you can which is often what conventional doctors do not even know about. I will see YOU on the road to better health! Granny, NP, MH