
My blogs

About me

Location Philadelphia, PA, United States
Introduction I awoke to the first day of my 28th year with a mixed attitude. I didn't feel the hope and excitement that I felt the morning of my 26th birthday or the premonition of hard times on the morning of my 27th year. Rather, it was a jittery fear of the unknown - not knowing exactly where I wanted this year to take me, but knowing I didn't want to stand still. So, in the spirit of moving forward, I've taken one thing that I absolutely love, health & nutrition, and am publishing my own individual journey in hopes that it will keep me focused (after all, I'm now accountable to anyone reading this) and help others out there. Here's my own story of how I am going to continue to stay fit and healthy and I'll be posting recipes that are healthy and delicious, workouts and success stories, and anything else that is relevant to health and nutrition. Here's to interesting happenings and better looking photos!