About me

Gender Male
Occupation KON_SULTAN
Location KL, WP
Introduction Former Social and Political Activist, former Bersih 1.0 Steering Committee. Now Corporate Activist and Perkasa member. Putih tetap putih, hitam tetap hitam, yang kelabu asap aku hentam !! All these politicians are making me laugh over their idiosyncrasies. Immediately after the GE, I have told PR strategist that Rakyat voted PR not because they love them but because they hate BN... so it was the push factor and not the pull factor. Alas, they did not understand my statement because they are a. guilty b. stupid c. guilty and stupid. To be fair, the same apply to BN but the good news is Transparency is now HERE. Brace yourself since more PEKUNG will surface !! Btw, Panji would like to stress that Panji is not anti government, but ANTI INCOMPETENT government. KAPISH !!!
Interests Organisational Behaviour, Training, Economics and Finance. The Sultanah was right, Panji can bear witness that Bersih 1 was hijacked at the end of rally in 2007. "Almost 3 weeks after the Bersih 2.0 rally, the debate over the event still continues with a key member of royal family saying today that the electoral reform movement "had in someway been hijacked" by other groups and individuals. Johor Sultanah Raja Zarith Sofia Sultan Idris Shah, said though the original cause of Bersih rally was genuine, it had been taken over by others. "They had in someway been hijacked by other groups and individuals... the original idea about general elections and the transparency of general elections were lost, " she said. Let all politicians be known that we Rakyat are the BOSS #$%^&&*@!!!!
Favorite Movies Saturday Night Fever!, Saturday Night Fever!, Saturday Night Fever!
Favorite Music I am Easy, by Keith Carradine.
Favorite Books Melayu Islam Beraja.