My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Down by the sea
- Hilary B - can talk
- Kim's Hot Textiles
- Lola Nova - Whatever Lola Wants
- + sophie munns : visual eclectica +
- My Somerset Garden
- Stitching Lady
- ***Lucky Dip***
- *An English Travel Writer*
- .
- <a href="">Wake Robin</a>
- <center>The Glossy Project</center>
- A Femme d'Un Certain Age
- A Bird in the Hand
- A Brit in Tennessee
- A Letter a Week 2012
- A Little Bit French
- A little bit of everything
- a movable feast
- A Passion for Vintage Textiles
- A Quiet Life in Suffolk
- A sketch in time
- a wild patience
- acornmoon
- ahipara girl
- alisaburke
- All of Me
- Alma Stoller
- Amanda Watson-Will
- An Explorer's View of Life
- andrea joseph's sketchblog
- Anna Mavromatis: works on paper, etc.
- anna wadham
- Another Little Quilt Swap
- Approachable Art by Judi Hurwitt
- Arroyo Colorado Riverblog
- Art and Alfalfa
- art and etc
- art and soul
- Art By Iseult
- Art Doll Artists
- Art In Stitches
- Art Matters by Marie Theron
- Art Of Tracy Verdugo Blog
- Art Propelled
- art vein vessel
- art4moi
- Artful Affirmations
- Artisan Jewelry by Susan Roper
- arzigogolare
- Asia Vu
- Aussiemade
- Avez vous le vegemite?
- avez-vous le vegemite ?
- Barbara Lewis : torch-fired enamel
- Barnacle Goose Paperworks
- Beadlust
- BEEZ in the Belfry
- Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog
- Bell'Avventura
- Beverly Ash Gilbert
- Beyond Vagabond
- billabongs2bling
- BlueBird Hill
- Botanical Art - Holiday Sketching
- Brabourne Farm
- Broadland Holidays
- Brush and Baren
- BT - The Crafty Gardener
- C Hummel Kornell, Artist, Photographer and Writer
- c o u n t r y r a b b i t
- Calligraphy and view
- carla loves photography
- Carla Trujillo - Mixed Media Artist
- Carol McFee
- Carol Sloan Studios
- Caroline's Studio
- Cart Before The Horse
- cas holmes
- cathy cullis
- Celebrating the joy of life!
- Charlton Stitcher
- Christine Mauersberger
- Chronicles of a Country Girl
- Circle of the Year
- City Views, Country Dreams
- CLARE WASSERMANN'S Threads of Loveliness
- collage journeys by Jane Davies
- Collage Lab by Two: A Year of Collage
- Colorful Adventures
- come to kerala
- Corners of my Mind
- Cornish Chickpea
- Cornwall - Beside the Sea
- Cotswold Peeps
- creative brain edges
- Creative Doodling with Judy West
- Creative Meanderings
- CreativeSoulRetreat
- Crystal Neubauer, Artist
- Curious Crow
- cycles
- Dangling by a Thread
- Dartmoor Ramblings
- daybyday
- Debra Morris
- Denise Yezbak Moore
- Desideratum ~ Art ~ Jewelry ~ Life
- Desperate Reader
- Diary of a Studio Elf
- Discovering Textiles
- Dog-Daisy Chains
- dottie angel
- downunderdale
- Drawing a line in time
- Dyed and Gone to Heaven
- e-toile
- Eclectic-Meanderings
- elf2mani
- Elizabeth Creates
- every colour in the box
- Existential Neighborhood
- Expression Studio
- Fabu Food
- Fabulous Threads
- Fan My Flame
- Fat-Quarter
- Felicity's Fibre Threads
- Fibermania
- fibre frenzi
- Focus on Fiber
- found, stitched and dyed
- Four Go Painting In Provence
- french essence
- Frieda Oxenham
- FUSION-Fabric, Paper, Stitch.
- G-Photos
- garden delights
- Gardener in the Distance...gardening and belonging in Ballarat.
- Geelong Visual Diary
- Geninne's Art Blog
- geoffrey gorman
- GeraniumCat in the Garden
- Going Gently
- Haidee-Jo Summers artist
- Hakodate Birding
- hashiworks
- Have Dogs, Will Travel
- Helen Cowans
- Helen Malone
- hens teeth
- Here Be Dragons
- hippopip
- home
- Hot Needles Cool Stitches
- Hub Bub
- I'd rather be in India
- Ian Sidaway Fine Line
- Idiosyncratic Fashionistas
- Imagine Gallery
- In this life
- inleaf
- Inspiripedia
- It's A Stock Item
- Jane Blundell Artist
- Janet Jones
- JaneVille
- Jennifer Coyne Qudeen
- Journey to Self
- Journeys
- Judy Coates Perez
- Judy's Fabrications
- Judy's Fabrications
- Judy's Journal
- Julie B Booth
- Julie’s Pictures
- Junker Jane Monster Art Dolls
- just a thimbleful
- Kate's Quilting (and other arty stuff)
- Keeping track of the garden
- Kelli Nina Perkins
- Kerrie &amp; James Travel Blog
- Kerrie Bowles...moments in time
- Land of No Cooking
- Laura Kemshall
- laura's watercolors
- layers
- Let's get sewing
- Letting in the Light
- Life at Willow Manor
- Life Images by Jill
- Life in the Preseli Hills
- Life on (nearly) a Small Island
- Linda Kemshall
- linen &amp; silk
- LinsArt
- Little Bit of Blue- An artist's blog from the west of Ireland
- Living On The Edge.....
- Living to work - Working to live
- Liz Steel
- lotta's garden
- Louise Gardiner
- Lucykate Crafts . . .
- Lyric Art
- Madness and mess
- Magnon's Meanderings
- Magpie Tales
- Mags Digitalgran
- magsramsay
- magstitch
- Maia's Into The Moonlight
- Making Books Blog
- Making Handmade Books
- Mangle Prints
- manhandled threads
- Margaret Ball's books and art
- margaret-cooter
- marnymadethis
- Mary Moorkens textile artist
- Melbourne Daily Photo
- Melrose Musings
- Middle of Nowhere
- Middlewood Journal
- Millefeuilles
- Million Little Stitches
- missouribendstudio
- Mister Finch
- monkeys on the roof
- mostly threads
- Mostly Turquoise
- Moxey Musings
- Mud Hound Studio
- Murrmurrs
- Musings of a textile itinerant
- My Art Journal
- My Beautiful Life
- My blog is now closed
- My Curious Tea Party
- My Farmhouse Kitchen
- my french country home
- My Owl Barn
- My Tasmania
- MyJourneytoNeverland
- mystory
- Narrowboat: The Green Man.
- NeedledMom
- Nicola's Art Room
- North Stoke
- Northwoods Creative Studio
- notjustnat creative blog
- Occasional Blues
- Occasional Scotland
- Of daydreams and memories
- Of Gardens, Grandmothers and Gleanings
- Official Blogger Blog
- One Pink Goose
- over the rainbow
- Paintings by Pam
- Pam Householder ART
- Paper Ponderings
- PaperArtsy
- papergail
- Paperlover123
- paris breakfasts
- Passage Paradis
- Patrice A.
- Penumbra
- petalplum
- Photoventure - Two Friends, Two Continents
- Piecework Wallets &amp; Things
- Pigment of My Imagination
- printed material
- Printing with Gelli Arts®
- printmaking without a press with Linda Germain
- prophet of bloom
- Purple Missus
- purple podded peas
- Queen of the Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries
- Quilty Folk
- Ragged Old Blogger
- RavenWood Forest
- Red and the Peanut
- Red Lotus Jewellery
- Resin Crafts
- Riverdaze…
- Ro Bruhn Art
- rObfOs
- Robin and the Sage
- Robin's Ramblings
- roz
- Rustnstuff
- Sally's stuff
- scribbles adagio
- secret hill mosaics
- Serenity, Serendipity &amp; Stitches
- SerenTex
- shabby dandelion
- Shannon Fricke
- Sharne's Bits 'n' Bobs
- Sharon McSwiney
- Shells in the Bush
- Sherrie loves color!
- shin shin
- Shirley Anne Sherris
- Shirley Goodwin - Dyeing2Design
- Shirleys Twisted Threads
- short snippets
- silent parrot press
- silverpebble
- Slow Growing in Scotland
- SoewnEarth
- Songbeads
- Spiral Dyed Downunder
- Stephanie Forsyth
- stitches and Life
- Stitching Always
- Stringitings
- Studio Sylvia
- Studio Sylvia Handmade Jewellery
- Studiofelter
- Styling Magazine by Coty Farquhar - Australia
- Sue Brown Printmaker
- Sue's Craft Cupboard
- Sue's Textile Art
- Susie McMahon Dolls
- Suziqu's Threadworks
- Suztats
- Sweetpea Path
- T.
- Take time to smell the flowers......
- tales from the birdhut
- Tanglewood Threads
- teesha's circus
- Textile Art ShowCase
- Textile Butterfly
- Textile Goddess
- textile seahorse
- Textures of my World
- Textures of my World
- textures shapes and color
- The "Bearister" Bookcase
- The Altered Page
- The Art of the Landscape
- The Crafty Mugwump
- The Fiber Nation
- the golden fish
- The Hermitage
- the holey moley club
- the holey moley club 2011
- The Itsy Bitsy Spill
- The Kathryn Wheel
- The Quilt Rat
- the Restructors
- The wind and the wellies
- thenaturalist
- Things I Like
- Third Age Musings
- This and random thoughts
- This blog is no longer active but all our content is still here and accessible.
- Thread and Thrift
- threadnoodle
- Time Out - Creative Mixed media Art.
- Townville, Magnetic Island,and North west Queensland... Australia.....
- Transit Notes
- Travels with a Sketchbook in...
- True Adventures of an Art Addict
- Two Little Square Black Dogs
- View From the Oak
- Vintage Vignette
- vintagerockchick
- WA Zoologist
- wabisabiart
- Walk the Wilderness
- Wanda's World
- Watercolors by Joan
- Watercolors by Susan Roper
- We Three, Ginger cats tales
- weaverslearningcurve
- welcome to
- welsh hills again
- What A Beautiful Mess
- Where Five Valleys Meet
- woman with wings
- WP&amp;CS Young Ambassador
- xavier’s artblog
- ~ Moments of Mine ~
- Jo Murray - Art
Gender | Female |
Industry | Agriculture |
Location | near Victor Harbor, South Australia, Australia |
Interests | textiles, cloth dolls, beading, embroidery, sketching, gardening and breeding Welsh Ponies |